
Latest business technology news and opinion from BusinessDesk.
Volt Typhoon wake-up call for critical infrastructure owners

Peter Griffin: Volt Typhoon wake-up call for critical infrastructure owners

The hacking group shows the nature of state-sponsored cyberwarfare is changing.

Peter Griffin 15 Feb 2024
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The urgent need for better varroa parasite treatments
Primary Sector

The urgent need for better varroa parasite treatments

A $1m project to zap the beehive killer with lasers is just one of several approaches.

Greg Hurrell 14 Feb 2024
AI is starting to threaten white-collar jobs. Few industries are immune

AI is starting to threaten white-collar jobs. Few industries are immune

Leaders say the fast-evolving technology means many jobs might never return.

Drug-free hay fever treatment taking alternative route to market

Drug-free hay fever treatment taking alternative route to market

Backed by WNT Ventures, Goodair founder David White hopes to help us all breathe easier.

Ben Moore 13 Feb 2024

Ben Moore
Ben Moore

Technology editor

Ben stumbled into tech reporting after a short-lived career as a drama teacher. After a year covering the IT channel, he returned to university and earned a masters in communication studies. He worked for CRN Australia, which gave him valuable insight into the Australian tech industry and a renewed appreciation for Aotearoa New Zealand. In early 2022, he spearheaded the launch of CRN into NZ. If you’re keen to connect, you can find him on LinkedIn or Twitter.

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