Climate change

News and analysis of climate change and how it will affect New Zealand's economy, environment and population.
Carbonz to resume trading

Carbonz to resume trading

After a troubled start, a new carbon trading platform says it will resume operations next week.

Ian Llewellyn 30 Jun 2022
Bringing the Sharesies model to carbon

Bringing the Sharesies model to carbon

A new carbon trading platform aims to bring retail investors and landowners into the carbon market while increasing biodiversity and cutting emissions.

Ian Llewellyn 28 Jun 2022
Big risk to three waters in regulator delay
Policy Free

Big risk to three waters in regulator delay

The three waters reform will not prove its worth as quickly as it could if economic regulation is delayed until 2030, says the head of the water regulator for Scotland, the template for NZ's reforms.

Pattrick Smellie 27 Jun 2022
Steady price expected at carbon auction

Steady price expected at carbon auction

It is expected the purchaser will seek to soak up the last of the annual cost containment reserve at the second carbon auction of the year.

Ian Llewellyn 14 Jun 2022