
Explore the latest infrastructure news by BusinessDesk. 
Metroglass blames covid for yet another dismal result

Metroglass blames covid for yet another dismal result

The company missed its own depressed guidance for operating earnings.

Jenny Ruth 30 May 2022
Hydrogen: show me the money

Hydrogen: show me the money

There will be no 'If we build it, they will come' mentality in the decision-making process about making hydrogen in New Zealand.

Ian Llewellyn 26 May 2022
We don't need 'gold-plated' transport solutions – Beck

We don't need 'gold-plated' transport solutions – Beck

Transport and accountability of council-controlled companies are two of Viv Beck's bugbears as she heads into the mayoral election.

Brent Melville 20 May 2022
Emissions targets are a 'stretch', says freight industry
Transport Free

Emissions targets are a 'stretch', says freight industry

The carbon-heavy freight transport sector doesn't merit much of a mention in the first emissions reduction plan, because the government has seemingly put it into the too-hard basket for now.

Brent Melville 20 May 2022

Oliver Lewis
Oliver Lewis

Infrastructure Editor

Oliver Lewis won the local government reporting category at the 2023 Voyager Media Awards. He is part of our investigations unit and also covers infrastructure, housing and employment issues. Formerly with Stuff/The Press, Oliver has also written for the Guardian and North & South. 

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articles by Oliver