Law & Regulation

Explore the latest legal news by BusinessDesk, covering legal rulings, important court cases, and more.
BusinessNZ, lawyers tell govt: relax insolvency law

BusinessNZ, lawyers tell govt: relax insolvency law

While at least some of the major banks have said they will judge the solvency of companies wanting to borrow on their pre-coronavirus crisis financial position, lawyers are saying the government still has to relax insolvency law to ease the liability directors face.Other countrie...

Jenny Ruth 01 Apr 2020
Covid-19 elimination plan lacks clear targets: Otago professor

Covid-19 elimination plan lacks clear targets: Otago professor

The government needs to adopt clear targets and timelines for eliminating the spread of covid-19, epidemiologist David Skegg has told MPs in the first public hearings of a new parliamentary select committee with oversight powers on the national state of emergency.Speaking to the...

Paul McBeth 31 Mar 2020
NZX to split regulation from commercial functions

NZX to split regulation from commercial functions

Stock exchange operator NZX is splitting out its regulatory functions from its commercial operations and the regulatory arm will have its own board independent of NZX and won't be expected to contribute to profit.Chair James Miller announced the split at today's annual meeting, s...

Jenny Ruth 31 Mar 2020
Supermarkets may face unfair scrutiny - Foodstuffs exec

Supermarkets may face unfair scrutiny - Foodstuffs exec

Foodstuffs North Island chief executive Chris Quin is concerned supermarkets will catch undeserved scrutiny as the government places a close eye on food pricing while the four-week lockdown is in place.In an online seminar hosted by the Trans-Tasman Business Circle, Quin said the...

Dan Brunskill 30 Mar 2020

Victoria Young
Victoria Young


With a professional career spanning New Zealand, Singapore, and London, Victoria Young has been with BusinessDesk since 2019, initially as a senior reporter before taking on the role of investigations editor in 2022, then editor in 2024. 
She has been instrumental in growing BusinessDesk as this country’s premium business news brand.
She was the 2023 recipient of a Brian Gaynor initiative grant.
Victoria holds law and arts degrees from Victoria University of Wellington. 
You can follow her on Twitter @victoriayoung03 or connect with her on LinkedIn here.

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