Law & Regulation

Explore the latest legal news by BusinessDesk, covering legal rulings, important court cases, and more.
Joyce vs NBR defamation suit hits court

Joyce vs NBR defamation suit hits court

A long-running defamation case brought by former Cabinet minister Steven Joyce against The National Business Review has culminated in a brief hearing, with the business publication opting not to call any witnesses in its defence. The former finance minister filed proceedings agai...

Victoria Young 09 Dec 2019
Oracle among last hold outs on transfer pricing

Oracle among last hold outs on transfer pricing

Oracle New Zealand’s latest accounts show the firm is still at odds with the Inland Revenue Department over the practice of shifting profits from one jurisdiction to another.The company’s local accounts were filed a week after Microsoft New Zealand’s, which showed that software g...

Dan Brunskill 09 Dec 2019
CBL liquidators seek clawback of €54m

CBL liquidators seek clawback of €54m

The liquidators of failed insurer CBL have identified €53.7 million in voidable transactions which they are seeking to recover from the company’s Irish subsidiary.  BusinessDesk can reveal the liquidators are pursuing legal action against CBL Insurance Europe DAC, which is pre...

Victoria Young 09 Dec 2019
OPINION: How RBNZ softened up the banks to accept higher capital rules
Finance Free

Jenny Ruth: OPINION: How RBNZ softened up the banks to accept higher capital rules

It looks like a classic negotiation strategy: hit 'em hard with an extreme-sounding proposition, weather all the flack and pushback, and then finally come out with a "compromise" position that was probably close to what you wanted all along.So it was for the Reserve Bank's final...

Jenny Ruth 06 Dec 2019

Victoria Young
Victoria Young


With a professional career spanning New Zealand, Singapore, and London, Victoria Young has been with BusinessDesk since 2019, initially as a senior reporter before taking on the role of investigations editor in 2022, then editor in 2024. 
She has been instrumental in growing BusinessDesk as this country’s premium business news brand.
She was the 2023 recipient of a Brian Gaynor initiative grant.
Victoria holds law and arts degrees from Victoria University of Wellington. 
You can follow her on Twitter @victoriayoung03 or connect with her on LinkedIn here.

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