Are GPs really underfunded?
Health Free

Are GPs really underfunded?

GPs say they urgently need more funding, but health officials don't appear to be in a hurry.

Cécile Meier 14 Feb 2023
Who owns our GPs? You might be surprised
Editor's Picks Free

Who owns our GPs? You might be surprised

As general practice owners struggle to stay afloat, local and overseas corporations increase their ownership.

Cécile Meier 08 Feb 2023
Little accuses GPs of making inaccurate claims
Health Free

Little accuses GPs of making inaccurate claims

The minister of health and GPs are at loggerheads around funding.

Cécile Meier 26 Jan 2023
The global hospital cleaning giant you’ve never heard of
Business of Health Free

The global hospital cleaning giant you’ve never heard of

The company plans to keep growing in New Zealand despite low returns. 

Cécile Meier 08 Dec 2022