Former Westpac CEO appointed KiwiRail board chair

Former Westpac CEO appointed KiwiRail board chair

Having just lost a chief executive, KiwiRail gains a new board chair.

Oliver Lewis 03 Dec 2021
Yes, minister: Eugenie Sage on getting things done
Public sector project Free

Yes, minister: Eugenie Sage on getting things done

'There's a whole level of middle management which makes the public sector much less courageous and ambitious than it could be,' the former conservation minister says.

Oliver Lewis 03 Dec 2021
Govt reaches post-quake anchor project deal in Chch

Govt reaches post-quake anchor project deal in Chch

Christchurch anchor project due for completion next year following land deal.

Oliver Lewis 03 Dec 2021
Carbon price pushes towards $70

Carbon price pushes towards $70

The final carbon auction of the year has resulted in a clearing price of $68.

Oliver Lewis 01 Dec 2021