
How to make the most of your job and find work-life balance.
Out of order – how to stop workplace tension turning nasty
The Life Free

Out of order – how to stop workplace tension turning nasty

Workplace meltdowns are on the rise post lockdown. So what can be done about handling anger in the office?

Money Answers: How much should you be earning by age?

Frances Cook: Money Answers: How much should you be earning by age?

Your 20s are for learning, then the 30s and 40s are for earning, says Frances Cook.

Frances Cook 06 Jun 2022
Performance anxiety – how to overcome self-doubt in the face of a promotion
The Life Free

Performance anxiety – how to overcome self-doubt in the face of a promotion

Many top executives are lacking confidence in their own abilities - so where does self-doubt come from and what can be done about it?

Paul Little 22 May 2022
Collateral damage – the business costs of employee divorce
The Life Free

Collateral damage – the business costs of employee divorce

Figures indicate that an employee divorce can result in a 40% drop in a staff member's productivity and up to 160 hours of lost work time annually.