Dr Lu and the zygions: face-based investing

David Chaplin: Dr Lu and the zygions: face-based investing

If there is anything valid or useful in the Lu and Teo data, many investors will surely turn to facial recognition technology and artificial intelligence to filter out the fatter-faced fundies.

David Chaplin 10 Aug 2022
Fundicitis: the FMA's greenwashing cure is a real pain

David Chaplin: Fundicitis: the FMA's greenwashing cure is a real pain

Fund managers are being forced to exceed legal word limits in ethical investing documents. But are investors even going to read them?

David Chaplin 03 Aug 2022
Red, red whine

David Chaplin: Red, red whine

The market carnage may not be over, of course, but the ideal average KiwiSaver investor is still in pretty good shape after a 10-year period featuring above-average upside.

David Chaplin 27 Jul 2022
Why active managers have edge in ESG investing

David Chaplin: Why active managers have edge in ESG investing

The ability to switch out of companies whose environmental or social credentials suddenly change is a plus that active fund managers are leveraging for investors who like their returns with sprinkling of moral purity.

David Chaplin 20 Jul 2022