Removing charge increased peak demand pressure

Removing charge increased peak demand pressure

The controversial removal of a charge has increased peak electricity demand pressure.

Ian Llewellyn 27 Mar 2023
Port Taranaki scoping offshore wind industry
Editor's Picks

Port Taranaki scoping offshore wind industry

Port Taranaki, long the country's oil and gas sector hub, is looking to a future in the offshore wind industry.

Greg Hurrell 24 Mar 2023
The hydrogen dream – a tale of two countries

The hydrogen dream – a tale of two countries

Other countries are moving ahead in the hydrogen race, leaving NZ behind.

Ian Llewellyn 23 Mar 2023

Ian Llewellyn
Ian Llewellyn

News Editor

Ian is a journalist with more than 30 years' experience working in NZ and the UK. This has included radio, newspapers, and agencies with time also as a ministerial advisor and press secretary. Experience in the Press Gallery includes reporting for the Independent Business Weekly and more than 10 years with the New Zealand Press Association.

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