Primary Sector

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Fonterra grappling with delays in China

Fonterra grappling with delays in China

Fonterra is experiencing delays but still managing to get product into China. 

Rebecca Howard 29 Apr 2022
We need to talk about GMO

Rebecca Howard: We need to talk about GMO

Some people told me so-called “Frankenfood” should never be allowed while others are adamant NZ is missing out on critical technology. 

Rebecca Howard 29 Apr 2022
Litigators see strong interest from A2 Milk shareholders
Law & Regulation

Litigators see strong interest from A2 Milk shareholders

The first court date to decide how class action will proceed will take place on May 5. 

Rebecca Howard 28 Apr 2022
Govt backs Fonterra's move to new capital structure

Govt backs Fonterra's move to new capital structure

The Ministry for Primary Industries is now seeking submissions on additional proposed amendments to DIRA to reduce risks. 

Rebecca Howard 27 Apr 2022

Riley Kennedy
Riley Kennedy


Riley was the New Zealand Shareholders Association emerging journalist of the year in 2022.  His journalism experience includes more than a year as a business specialist at the Otago Daily Times. He has a diploma in journalism from Wintec. 

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