Public sector

News and analysis of New Zealand public governance
Fisheries bill: revenge of the dolphins?
Primary Sector Free

Fisheries bill: revenge of the dolphins?

How the fishing industry's illegal practices were finally exposed.

Jem Traylen 18 Oct 2022
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Technology One
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CCHL review to consider investment opportunities

CCHL review to consider investment opportunities

Rocked by the abrupt exit of Tim Boyd, the council-owned company won't look for a new CEO until after a strategic review.

Oliver Lewis 14 Oct 2022
Business welcomes reopening of skilled migrant category

Business welcomes reopening of skilled migrant category

The government is lifting the cap on skilled migrant residence visas and consulting on a new points system.

Jem Traylen 12 Oct 2022
One hospitality agreement to rule them all

One hospitality agreement to rule them all

The Unite Union wants 100,000 hospo workers united under one pay agreement.

Jem Traylen 12 Oct 2022

Jem Traylen
Jem Traylen


Jem was awarded best student journalist at the 2022 Voyager Media Awards. She has a masters in economics from the University of Canterbury and has previously worked in tertiary education and government policymaking. She was awarded Massey University’s prize for the top journalism student in 2021. You can follow her on Twitter @jemtraylen or connect with her on LinkedIn here. 

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